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10 Fantastic things about Crazy Cocker Spaniels!

10 Fantastic things about Crazy Cocker Spaniels

1. Happy The Cocker Spaniel is often nicknamed ‘the Merry Cocker’ and for good reason! Cocker Spaniels are endlessly cheery, waggy of tail, always keen to play. As a breed, they have a super gentle personality and make an ideal family dog.

2. Full of energy Cocker Spaniels are full of beans! They are keen to walk, run and play 24/7 and always have a glint in their eye, ready for fun! Whether it’s a short walk, a country ramble, a swim at the beach or an agility session: your Cocker will always be keen!

3. Loyal Once you have a Cocker Spaniel, you’ve truly got a pal for life! As long as you care for your dog properly & give it all the love it needs, your Cocker Spaniel will forever be your best friend!

4. Intelligent As Cockers were bred to be working dogs, they have some serious brains in their cute little heads! The Cocker loves to have a job to do and enjoys using its grey matter to solve any problem that comes its way. Your Cocker will really enjoy scent games, such as searching for scattered dog biscuits on the lawn. They are also hugely emotionally intelligent and are always aware of how their owner feels, ever ready with a wag and a doggy hug when it’s needed.

5. Funny I guarantee that if you own a Cocker Spaniel, then not a day would go by without them making you chuckle at something or other! Whether it’s a quizzical, cute look; a soggy paw mark on the carpet; some Cocker ‘singing’ along to music on the radio, or your pooch bouncing up and down on some imagined bug on the floor… your Cocker will always make you smile!

Just a small collection of clips of some of the funny things Cocker Spaniels get up to on a daily basis.

6. Cuddly After a hard day’s playing, Cockers love nothing more than to hop up onto the sofa with their owner for a long, loving snuggle! Nothing beats the feeling of your little spaniel tucking their head into your arm, dreaming of the adventures they’ve experienced and letting off the odd dreamy woof! Cockers are such affectionate little dogs and are always happy to jump on your lap for a bit of a cuddle, so enjoy!

7. No respecters of personal space! I struggle to think of negatives when it comes to Cockers, but never having a bathroom break alone, could be seen to be a draw back for some! Whatever you may be trying to do, if your Cocker decides it’s playtime/food time/cuddle time… you’ll know about it!! Our puppy currently enjoys sleeping around our shoulders, in the style of an inflatable travel pillow… that’s spaniels for you!!

8. Beautiful I know I’m biased, but the Cocker Spaniel is a truly gorgeous beast! Ranging from the silky shorter haired Working Cocker, to the lustrous locks of the Show Cocker… their coats can’t be beaten. Their loving, kind eyes warm the cockles of your heart and their waggy tails illustrate their happy spirit. Their coats come in so many stunning different colours. Blue roan, black & tan, golden or liver, to name but a few. Their trademark curly, pendulous ears are the icing on the Spaniel cake! They frame the honest, playful expression of the Cocker to a tee… I certainly can’t think of a more handsome or beautiful dog.

9. Helpful Cockers aid humankind in so many different ways. As Police sniffer dogs, on the search for drugs or alcohol. Or as Rescue dogs aiding the emergency services when people go missing. The kind nature of the Cocker also lends itself perfectly to being a PAT dog in hospitals, or care homes. Furthermore, Cockers are helping to sniff out various diseases and are beginning to help in the battle against Coronavirus.

10. Athletic agility As we’ve seen, Cockers are busy creatures! They adore agility classes and their physical speed and endurance combine to make them excellent competitors. Agility is a great activity to indulge in, if you are a Cocker owner. Your pooch will thank you for it!

What a great little dog the Cocker Spaniel is! Let’s give a great big woof and a wag to all of our pooches from their loving owners!

Image by sabsykorova from Pixabay

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