About Cocker Spaniels

Different types of Cocker Spaniels

Our beautiful English Cocker Spaniels are split between two different types; Working and Show. As the names suggest, Working Cockers are bred to be working dogs and Show Cockers to be shown.

However, plenty of Show Cockers have never entered a show and many Working Cockers have never been on a shoot! Let’s find out more about the differences between the two English Cocker spaniel types.

A bit of a Spaniel History lesson…quiet at the back!

Spaniels are thought to have got their name from their Spanish heritage, ‘Espagnol’ sounding a bit like ‘Spaniel’. Spaniels were originally a fairly small sized working dog, but soon they became specialised for various specific jobs.

In the 1800s, the Cocking Spaniel emerged as a special type of Spaniel. They were bred to be a smaller sort of dog, so that they could work in the undergrowth and flush out Woodcock.

The Cocking Spaniel had a shorter, more compact body and a rounder head. It’s nose was shorter and it had the trademark long ears. The Cocker Spaniel’s beautiful long ears are not just there to make it more stunning, they’re utilitarian too! As the dog puts its head down to sniff, the ears form a protective cone around the spaniel’s head and helps to concentrate the odour, Clever eh!?

In 1893, The Kennel Club officially recognised the English Cocker Spaniel as a separate breed. As the 1900s progressed, they became more and more popular in the U.K. and in America.

By 1946 America Cocker Spaniels were recognised as a breed in their own right. The American Cocker distinguished itself by having a more domed head, a smaller shorter back and a shorter muzzle.

By the 1940s in the U.K. the split between Show Cockers and Working Cockers had become more distinct. Breeders began to breed either for the showing ring, or for field sports. So, lets have a look at the differences between our Working and Show furry friends. First of all…our Show Cocker pets…

Show Cocker Characteristics

The Show Cocker exhibits a luxurious, thick and silky coat. They have longer feathers and all in all need more grooming than a Working Cocker. They also have longer ear hair and a more domed head. Our glamorous Cocker friends are usually happy with two 30-40 minute walks a day. they also often have less of a hunting drive.

Show Cocker Spaniels love the outdoors just as much as the Working dogs.

Working Cocker Characteristics

Working Cocker pooches tend to have a flatter, broader and less domed head. Working Cockers can also be taller with longer legs. They have less pendulous ears and their coat is not as silky, and it is also usually shorter than their Show counterparts. As they are bred to help out at shoots, the Working Cocker can be happy with up to three hours exercise a day… although they are not all this energetic!

Chances are when you see a Working Cocker Spaniel, a Land Rover won’t be far away.

What features unite Show and Working Cockers?

All Cocker Spaniels, regardless of type, have the waggiest of tails, smiling eyes and the biggest, friendliest personality you could ever wish for in a dog!

Image by Katrina_S, Steve Sewell, Andrés Carlo, roobertoo, lukasoteroschule, Dave Francis from Pixabay

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