Welcome to Cocker Crazy!

Hello! We are a friendly, family run site that just LOVES Cocker Spaniels!!

English or American, Working or Show types…we love them all!

Whether you’re thinking of buying a Cocker spaniel puppy, or already have a well loved pet; we hope you’ll find something to interest you on our site.

You’ll find Cocker Spaniel information, advice, tips…hopefully everything you might ever want to know about our furry little friends in this Cocker Spaniel Companion.

There are also product reviews, articles about training, doggie health, grooming, agility, and even a diary of our very own beloved Cocker Rosie and her adventures in rural Norfolk!

We’re also here if you’re having any problems with your pooches. As gorgeous as our spaniel friends are, we can all encounter teething troubles along the way. We endeavour to answer any questions you have and encourage all Cocker fans to help each other out with their well earned wisdom on our Troubleshooting page.

We want to hear from you Cocker lovers too, our site belongs as much to you as to us! We have Cocker Crazy competitions to test your doggy grey matter and Cocker Quizzes for all of you lovely Spaniel enthusiasts out there!

You can also send us your funny Cocker spaniel stories, or post your pictures of your beloved pooches! We love to hear from you all!

And for all of you who want to show the world how much you love your faithful furry, then why not buy one of our beautiful Cocker Crazy t-shirts? They come in various colour combinations and sizes and are the perfect gift for any Spaniel lover!

So dive on in, enjoy our site and join the Cocker Crazy gang!!