About Cocker Spaniels

Different types of Cocker Spaniels

Our beautiful English Cocker Spaniels are split between two different types; Working and Show. As the names suggest, Working Cockers are bred to be working dogs and Show Cockers to be shown. However, plenty of Show Cockers have never entered a show and many Working Cockers have never been on a shoot! Let’s find out […]

About Cocker Spaniels

Are Cocker Spaniels good pets?

As you know, we adore Cocker Spaniels here at Cocker Crazy towers! As a family, we have an English Working Cocker Spaniel, so I’ll be writing this as an owner of that particular part of the Cocker family. But I think you can take our advice whether you are looking for an English, American, Working, […]